How to Report an Oregon Car Accident to Authorities and Insurance


When you have been involved in a car accident, you need to know the best way to report the accident to the authorities and your insurance company. If this is your first serious accident, you might need to become more familiar with the reporting laws and requirements in your area. It’s important to know that … Read more

The High Cost of Motorcycle Accidents and What to Do Afterwards


Motorcycle accidents have a high cost for riders involved, and determining what to do afterwards can be difficult or confusing. If you have been in a serious motorcycle accident in Oregon or Washington, it’s very important to learn about your rights soon after the accident. Both states’ laws only allow you a limited time to … Read more

Could a Personal Injury Lawsuit Help Compensate You for an Accident?


If you have been injured in an accident, you’re probably curious whether a personal injury lawsuit could help compensate you for your injuries. You also probably have questions about whether you need to file a lawsuit, what happens during the lawsuit, and what you could recover. To get answers to your questions, you should seek … Read more

A Medical Malpractice Attorney Speaks Out About Your Rights

A Medical Malpractice Attorney Speaks Out About Your Rights

If you believe you have been the victim of medical malpractice, it’s time to learn more about your rights from a medical malpractice attorney. When strong medical malpractice claims come supported with evidence from injured victims, medical practitioners may receive penalties such as license censure or losing their license. They may even be found liable … Read more

In a Motorcycle Crash in Oregon? You Need an Accident Attorney

In a Motorcycle Crash in Oregon? You Need an Accident Attorney

Have you been in a serious motorcycle crash in Oregon? This is your cue to hire an accident attorney to represent you and help you obtain compensation. At the Kang Law Group, we’re well aware that motorcycle crashes can have life-changing consequences. That’s why we offer our experienced legal services to riders and other victims … Read more